For those of you just tuning in, "This Guy is Falling" follows the educational exploits of Mr. Birds-Eye, a high school teacher in his third year of teaching, traditionally the make or break year in the profession. Fearing that he has finally reached his wits end, Birds-Eye decides to write a blog in hopes that he can reboot his year by focusing on the positives of the profession.
And I'm happy to report that it's been working.
An outtake from Wednesday:
Continued discussing Asian American stereotypes with my juniors (see Blog entry, Day 30-31).
ASIAN STUDENT (to Teacher) - Why are Asian's called yellow?
BLACK STUDENT - It's because we have to call you something. African Americans are black, caucasians white, Latinos brown, Indians red, and Asians are yellow.
ASIAN STUDENT - We did black and white. What does it say in the dictionary for yellow?
Teacher gets DICTIONARY and looks up "yellow."
TEACHER (reading) - "Yellow slang for cowardly."
All the Asian Students GROAN!
Teacher - Hey, don't look at me. Blame Crayola!
And that in a nutshell is why I still like teaching.
Signing off.
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