For those of you just tuning in, "This Guy is Falling" follows the educational exploits of Mr. Birds-Eye, a high school teacher in his third year of teaching, traditionally the make or break year in the profession. Fearing that he has finally reached his wits end, Birds-Eye decides to write a blog in hopes that he can reboot his year by focusing on the positives of the profession.
And I'm happy to report that it's been working.
Continued "A Children's Story' with my sophomores (see Blog, Day Thirty-Two).
After we finished, the kids were surprised that in twenty five minutes someone could brainwash a whole class, using something as simple as candy.
I then asked them why it was so easy for the New Teacher to do this? Here's what they had to say:
Students - They were just kids. Kids are gullible.
Teacher - And you aren't? You'd be immune to the teacher's charms?
The Kids all shake their heads, "Yes."
Teacher - What's immune mean?
No says anything.
Teacher - If you know what immune means, raise your hand.
Eight kids, in a class of thirty-five, RAISE their HANDS.
Teacher - So eight of you know what the words means? What about the rest of you? Why didn't you ask me what immune meant when I used it?
No one says anything.
Teacher - No one. You're just waiting for the "right" answer. So if I said, "Immune means 'listen.'" You'd all believe me. You'd go home and say I'm immuning to Lady Gaga right now.
The Class LAUGHS.
Teacher - Just because I'm a teacher you believe me?
They all shake their heads, "Yes."
Teacher (to student who raised his hand) - What's immune mean?
Student - Like protected?
Teacher - Good how did you learn the definition?
So I thought this Kid was going to say, "I read it, or maybe I looked it up in the dictionary."
Student - Video games.
Teacher - Video games? Are you being sarcastic?
Student - No, I learned it from video games. Pokemon is immune to sandstorms!
Note: Pokemon is a popular video game character.
Teacher - So what's the moral of the story?
Student - If you want to boost your vocabulary play Pokemon!
And that in a nutshell is why I still like teaching.
Signing off.
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