Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day Twenty-One?

After a week of hard labor, I'm happy to say the house is finally least this version of finished.

I took two days off from the blogging world because frankly I don't think a pick axe is interesting unless you strike gold.

So what did I learn from this experience?

Well...I know what I don't like to do, and that in itself, is a valuable lesson. Often I shirk responsibility that does not sound "interesting" to me, and by doing that I not only rob myself of experiences, but I also cut myself off from different types of people who do things that I don't necessarily want to do.

For example, I can now talk to ex convicts who spent their time breaking rocks on a chain gang. That could come in handy, right?

Of course it can.

The point that I'm trying to make is in a world where kids can easily switch the channel when they don't "understand" something, losing the remote in a ditch (Blog Days 18-20?) can be a valuable learning experience. In other words, sometimes we need to do things that we don't want to do. That's where we gain experience and experiences don't always have to be good, folks.

Now that I've metaphorically crawled out of the ditch and hopped onto a soap box. I better wrap this up before I dig myself another hole. Sorry, bad joke.

Making mistakes equal options. You can either avoid a similar situation because you're afraid of making another mistake, or you can learn from that mistake and say, "Hey, I really don't like digging ditches, but at least I tried. And now I know I never want to do that again!"

Signing off.


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